Hello, SWT(Jasmin) World!

Posted on 1月 2nd, 2013 by cx20


SWT(Standard Widget Toolkit) は Java で GUI を扱うためのライブラリである。
IBM により AWT や Swing を置き換える目的で作成された。
以下は Jasmin による SWT の使用例となっている。


; Produced by NeoJasminVisitor (tinapoc)
; http://tinapoc.sourceforge.net
; The original JasminVisitor is part of the BCEL
; http://jakarta.apache.org/bcel/
; Sun Dec 02 01:23:19 JST 2012
.bytecode 50.0
.source Hello.java
.class public Hello
.super java/lang/Object
.method public <init>()V
    .limit stack 1
    .limit locals 1
    .var 0 is this LHello; from Label0 to Label1
.line 5
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial java/lang/Object/<init>()V
       4: return
.end method
.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .limit stack 4
    .limit locals 5
    .var 0 is arg0 [Ljava/lang/String; from Label3 to Label4
.line 7
       0: new org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display
       3: dup
       4: invokespecial org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display/<init>()V
       7: astore_1
    .line 8
       8: new org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell
      11: dup
      12: aload_1
      13: invokespecial org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/<init>(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display;)V
      16: astore_2
    .line 9
      17: aload_2
      18: ldc "Hello, World"
      20: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/setText(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .line 12
      23: new org/eclipse/swt/layout/FillLayout
      26: dup
      27: sipush 512
      30: invokespecial org/eclipse/swt/layout/FillLayout/<init>(I)V
      33: astore_3
    .line 13
      34: aload_2
      35: aload_3
      36: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/setLayout(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Layout;)V
    .line 15
      39: new org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Label
      42: dup
      43: aload_2
      44: sipush 2048
      47: invokespecial org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Label/<init>(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;I)V
      50: astore 4
    .line 16
      52: aload 4
      54: ldc "Hello, SWT World!"
      56: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Label/setText(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    .line 18
      59: aload_2
      60: sipush 640
      63: sipush 480
      66: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/setSize(II)V
    .line 19
      69: aload_2
      70: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/open()V
.line 21
      73: aload_2
      74: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell/isDisposed()Z
      77: ifne Label0
    .line 22
      80: aload_1
      81: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display/readAndDispatch()Z
      84: ifne Label1
    .line 23
      87: aload_1
      88: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display/sleep()Z
      91: pop
      92: goto Label1
.line 27
      95: aload_1
      96: invokevirtual org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Display/dispose()V
.line 28
      99: return
.end method


C:¥> java -jar jasmin.jar Hello.j
C:¥> javaw -cp org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86_3.6.1.v3655c.jar;. Hello


|Hello, World!                    [_][~][X]|
|Hello, SWT World!                         |
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Categories: Jasmin, Java, SWT


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