Hello, Dart World!

Posted on 12月 13th, 2011 by cx20


Dart は Google によって開発された Web 向けのプログラミング言語である。JavaScript の代替を目的に作られており Dart の仮想マシンを Chrome に統合することが計画されている。
プログラムは Dart のオフィシャルサイト(http://www.dartlang.org/)にて試すことができる。


    print( 'Hello, Dart World!' );

上記コードを、JavaScript コンパイラ「Frog」でコンパイルすることで、以下のコードを生成する。


//  ********** Library dart:core **************
//  ********** Natives dart:core **************
function $defProp(obj, prop, value) {
  Object.defineProperty(obj, prop,
      {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
function $throw(e) {
  // If e is not a value, we can use V8's captureStackTrace utility method.
  // TODO(jmesserly): capture the stack trace on other JS engines.
  if (e && (typeof e == 'object') && Error.captureStackTrace) {
    // TODO(jmesserly): this will clobber the e.stack property
    Error.captureStackTrace(e, $throw);
  throw e;
$defProp(Object.prototype, '$index', function(i) {
  $throw(new NoSuchMethodException(this, "operator []", [i]));
$defProp(Array.prototype, '$index', function(index) {
  var i = index | 0;
  if (i !== index) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException('index is not int');
  } else if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) {
    throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(index);
  return this[i];
$defProp(String.prototype, '$index', function(i) {
  return this[i];
function $$add$complex(x, y) {
  if (typeof(x) == 'number') {
    $throw(new IllegalArgumentException(y));
  } else if (typeof(x) == 'string') {
    var str = (y == null) ? 'null' : y.toString();
    if (typeof(str) != 'string') {
      throw new Error("calling toString() on right hand operand of operator " +
      "+ did not return a String");
    return x + str;
  } else if (typeof(x) == 'object') {
    return x.$add(y);
  } else {
    $throw(new NoSuchMethodException(x, "operator +", [y]));
function $$add(x, y) {
  if (typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number') return x + y;
  return $$add$complex(x, y);
function $$eq(x, y) {
  if (x == null) return y == null;
  return (typeof(x) != 'object') ? x === y : x.$eq(y);
// TODO(jimhug): Should this or should it not match equals?
$defProp(Object.prototype, '$eq', function(other) {
  return this === other;
// ********** Code for Object **************
$defProp(Object.prototype, "is$Collection", function() {
  return false;
$defProp(Object.prototype, "is$List", function() {
  return false;
$defProp(Object.prototype, "is$Map", function() {
  return false;
// ********** Code for IndexOutOfRangeException **************
function IndexOutOfRangeException(_index) {
  this._index = _index;
IndexOutOfRangeException.prototype.is$IndexOutOfRangeException = function(){return true};
IndexOutOfRangeException.prototype.toString = function() {
  return ("IndexOutOfRangeException: " + this._index);
// ********** Code for NoSuchMethodException **************
function NoSuchMethodException(_receiver, _functionName, _arguments, _existingArgumentNames) {
  this._receiver = _receiver;
  this._functionName = _functionName;
  this._arguments = _arguments;
  this._existingArgumentNames = _existingArgumentNames;
NoSuchMethodException.prototype.is$NoSuchMethodException = function(){return true};
NoSuchMethodException.prototype.toString = function() {
  var sb = new StringBufferImpl("");
  for (var i = (0);
   i < this._arguments.get$length(); i++) {
    if (i > (0)) {
      sb.add(", ");
  if (null == this._existingArgumentNames) {
    return $$add($$add(("NoSuchMethodException : method not found: '" + this._functionName + "'n"), ("Receiver: " + this._receiver + "n")), ("Arguments: [" + sb + "]"));
  else {
    var actualParameters = sb.toString();
    sb = new StringBufferImpl("");
    for (var i = (0);
     i < this._existingArgumentNames.get$length(); i++) {
      if (i > (0)) {
        sb.add(", ");
    var formalParameters = sb.toString();
    return $$add($$add($$add("NoSuchMethodException: incorrect number of arguments passed to ", ("method named '" + this._functionName + "'nReceiver: " + this._receiver + "n")), ("Tried calling: " + this._functionName + "(" + actualParameters + ")n")), ("Found: " + this._functionName + "(" + formalParameters + ")"));
// ********** Code for ClosureArgumentMismatchException **************
function ClosureArgumentMismatchException() {
ClosureArgumentMismatchException.prototype.toString = function() {
  return "Closure argument mismatch";
// ********** Code for IllegalArgumentException **************
function IllegalArgumentException(arg) {
  this._arg = arg;
IllegalArgumentException.prototype.is$IllegalArgumentException = function(){return true};
IllegalArgumentException.prototype.toString = function() {
  return ("Illegal argument(s): " + this._arg);
// ********** Code for NoMoreElementsException **************
function NoMoreElementsException() {
NoMoreElementsException.prototype.toString = function() {
  return "NoMoreElementsException";
// ********** Code for dart_core_Function **************
Function.prototype.to$call$0 = function() {
  this.call$0 = this._genStub(0);
  this.to$call$0 = function() { return this.call$0; };
  return this.call$0;
Function.prototype.call$0 = function() {
  return this.to$call$0()();
function to$call$0(f) { return f && f.to$call$0(); }
Function.prototype.to$call$1 = function() {
  this.call$1 = this._genStub(1);
  this.to$call$1 = function() { return this.call$1; };
  return this.call$1;
Function.prototype.call$1 = function($0) {
  return this.to$call$1()($0);
function to$call$1(f) { return f && f.to$call$1(); }
Function.prototype.to$call$2 = function() {
  this.call$2 = this._genStub(2);
  this.to$call$2 = function() { return this.call$2; };
  return this.call$2;
Function.prototype.call$2 = function($0, $1) {
  return this.to$call$2()($0, $1);
function to$call$2(f) { return f && f.to$call$2(); }
// ********** Code for top level **************
function print(obj) {
  return _print(obj);
function _print(obj) {
  if (typeof console == 'object') {
    if (obj) obj = obj.toString();
  } else if (typeof write === 'function') {
//  ********** Library dart:coreimpl **************
// ********** Code for ListFactory **************
ListFactory = Array;
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "is$List", function(){return true});
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "is$Collection", function(){return true});
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "get$length", function() { return this.length; });
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "set$length", function(value) { return this.length = value; });
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "add", function(value) {
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "clear", function() {
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "removeLast", function() {
  return this.pop();
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "iterator", function() {
  return new ListIterator(this);
$defProp(ListFactory.prototype, "toString", function() {
  return Collections.collectionToString(this);
// ********** Code for ListIterator **************
function ListIterator(array) {
  this._array = array;
  this._pos = (0);
ListIterator.prototype.hasNext = function() {
  return this._array.get$length() > this._pos;
ListIterator.prototype.next = function() {
  if (!this.hasNext()) {
  return this._array.$index(this._pos++);
// ********** Code for NumImplementation **************
NumImplementation = Number;
// ********** Code for Collections **************
function Collections() {}
Collections.collectionToString = function(c) {
  var result = new StringBufferImpl("");
  Collections._emitCollection(c, result, new Array());
  return result.toString();
Collections._emitCollection = function(c, result, visiting) {
  var isList = !!(c && c.is$List());
  result.add(isList ? "[" : "{");
  var first = true;
  for (var $$i = c.iterator(); $$i.hasNext(); ) {
    var e = $$i.next();
    if (!first) {
      result.add(", ");
    first = false;
    Collections._emitObject(e, result, visiting);
  result.add(isList ? "]" : "}");
Collections._emitObject = function(o, result, visiting) {
  if (!!(o && o.is$Collection())) {
    if (Collections._containsRef(visiting, o)) {
      result.add(!!(o && o.is$List()) ? "[...]" : "{...}");
    else {
      Collections._emitCollection(o, result, visiting);
  else if (!!(o && o.is$Map())) {
    if (Collections._containsRef(visiting, o)) {
    else {
      Maps._emitMap(o, result, visiting);
  else {
    result.add($$eq(o) ? "null" : o);
Collections._containsRef = function(c, ref) {
  for (var $$i = c.iterator(); $$i.hasNext(); ) {
    var e = $$i.next();
    if ((null == e ? null == (ref) : e === ref)) return true;
  return false;
// ********** Code for HashMapImplementation **************
function HashMapImplementation() {}
HashMapImplementation.prototype.is$Map = function(){return true};
HashMapImplementation.prototype.forEach = function(f) {
  var length = this._keys.get$length();
  for (var i = (0);
   i < length; i++) {
    var key = this._keys.$index(i);
    if ((null != key) && ((null == key ? null != (const$0001) : key !== const$0001))) {
      f(key, this._values.$index(i));
HashMapImplementation.prototype.toString = function() {
  return Maps.mapToString(this);
// ********** Code for _DeletedKeySentinel **************
function _DeletedKeySentinel() {
// ********** Code for Maps **************
function Maps() {}
Maps.mapToString = function(m) {
  var result = new StringBufferImpl("");
  Maps._emitMap(m, result, new Array());
  return result.toString();
Maps._emitMap = function(m, result, visiting) {
  var first = true;
  m.forEach((function (k, v) {
    if (!first) {
      result.add(", ");
    first = false;
    Collections._emitObject(k, result, visiting);
    result.add(": ");
    Collections._emitObject(v, result, visiting);
// ********** Code for DoubleLinkedQueue **************
function DoubleLinkedQueue() {}
DoubleLinkedQueue.prototype.is$Collection = function(){return true};
DoubleLinkedQueue.prototype.iterator = function() {
  return new _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(this._sentinel);
DoubleLinkedQueue.prototype.toString = function() {
  return Collections.collectionToString(this);
// ********** Code for _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator **************
function _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_sentinel) {
  this._sentinel = _sentinel;
  this._currentEntry = this._sentinel;
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator.prototype.hasNext = function() {
  var $0;
  return (($0 = this._currentEntry._next) == null ? null != (this._sentinel) : $0 !== this._sentinel);
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator.prototype.next = function() {
  if (!this.hasNext()) {
  this._currentEntry = this._currentEntry._next;
  return this._currentEntry.get$element();
// ********** Code for StringBufferImpl **************
function StringBufferImpl(content) {
StringBufferImpl.prototype.add = function(obj) {
  var str = obj.toString();
  if (null == str || str.isEmpty()) return this;
  this._length = this._length + str.length;
  return this;
StringBufferImpl.prototype.clear = function() {
  this._buffer = new Array();
  this._length = (0);
  return this;
StringBufferImpl.prototype.toString = function() {
  if (this._buffer.get$length() == (0)) return "";
  if (this._buffer.get$length() == (1)) return this._buffer.$index((0));
  var result = StringBase.concatAll(this._buffer);
  return result;
// ********** Code for StringBase **************
function StringBase() {}
StringBase.join = function(strings, separator) {
  if (strings.get$length() == (0)) return "";
  var s = strings.$index((0));
  for (var i = (1);
   i < strings.get$length(); i++) {
    s = $$add($$add(s, separator), strings.$index(i));
  return s;
StringBase.concatAll = function(strings) {
  return StringBase.join(strings, "");
// ********** Code for StringImplementation **************
StringImplementation = String;
StringImplementation.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
  return this.length == (0);
// ********** Code for _Worker **************
// ********** Code for _ArgumentMismatchException **************
/** Implements extends for Dart classes on JavaScript prototypes. */
function $inherits(child, parent) {
  if (child.prototype.__proto__) {
    child.prototype.__proto__ = parent.prototype;
  } else {
    function tmp() {};
    tmp.prototype = parent.prototype;
    child.prototype = new tmp();
    child.prototype.constructor = child;
$inherits(_ArgumentMismatchException, ClosureArgumentMismatchException);
function _ArgumentMismatchException(_message) {
  this._dart_coreimpl_message = _message;
_ArgumentMismatchException.prototype.toString = function() {
  return ("Closure argument mismatch: " + this._dart_coreimpl_message);
// ********** Code for _FunctionImplementation **************
_FunctionImplementation = Function;
_FunctionImplementation.prototype._genStub = function(argsLength, names) {
      // Fast path #1: if no named arguments and arg count matches
      if (this.length == argsLength && !names) {
        return this;
      var paramsNamed = this.$optional ? (this.$optional.length / 2) : 0;
      var paramsBare = this.length - paramsNamed;
      var argsNamed = names ? names.length : 0;
      var argsBare = argsLength - argsNamed;
      // Check we got the right number of arguments
      if (argsBare < paramsBare || argsLength > this.length ||
          argsNamed > paramsNamed) {
        return function() {
          $throw(new _ArgumentMismatchException(
            'Wrong number of arguments to function. Expected ' + paramsBare +
            ' positional arguments and at most ' + paramsNamed +
            ' named arguments, but got ' + argsBare +
            ' positional arguments and ' + argsNamed + ' named arguments.'));
      // First, fill in all of the default values
      var p = new Array(paramsBare);
      if (paramsNamed) {
        p = p.concat(this.$optional.slice(paramsNamed));
      // Fill in positional args
      var a = new Array(argsLength);
      for (var i = 0; i < argsBare; i++) {
        p[i] = a[i] = '$' + i;
      // Then overwrite with supplied values for optional args
      var lastParameterIndex;
      var namesInOrder = true;
      for (var i = 0; i < argsNamed; i++) {
        var name = names[i];
        a[i + argsBare] = name;
        var j = this.$optional.indexOf(name);
        if (j < 0 || j >= paramsNamed) {
          return function() {
            $throw(new _ArgumentMismatchException(
              'Named argument "' + name + '" was not expected by function.' +
              ' Did you forget to mark the function parameter [optional]?'));
        } else if (lastParameterIndex && lastParameterIndex > j) {
          namesInOrder = false;
        p[j + paramsBare] = name;
        lastParameterIndex = j;
      if (this.length == argsLength && namesInOrder) {
        // Fast path #2: named arguments, but they're in order and all supplied.
        return this;
      // Note: using Function instead of 'eval' to get a clean scope.
      // TODO(jmesserly): evaluate the performance of these stubs.
      var f = 'function(' + a.join(',') + '){return $f(' + p.join(',') + ');}';
      return new Function('$f', 'return ' + f + '').call(null, this);
// ********** Code for top level **************
//  ********** Library hello **************
// ********** Code for top level **************
function main() {
  print("Hello, Dart World!");
//  ********** Globals **************
function $static_init(){
var const$0000 = Object.create(NoMoreElementsException.prototype, {});
var const$0001 = Object.create(_DeletedKeySentinel.prototype, {});

実行方法(JavaScript にコンパイルして実行)

$ frogc hello.dart
$ node hello.dart.js

実行方法(Dart VM にて実行)

$ dart hello.dart


Hello, Dart World!


Categories: Dart, JavaScript


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