
*PukiWiki 関連情報 [#k2e3d64c]
**#memo プラグインについて [#n93c1fa5]
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
   return 0;
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main( int argc
 #memo(#include <stdio.h>\n\nint main( int argc, char* argv[] )\n{\n	return 0;\n})
#memo(gmuqaornc sakw awdvgfhm wakx fkvra asrjtz bfyo)

**#showrss プラグインについて [#xf484848]

---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="shift_jis" ?> はOKで、
---<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> がダメみたい。

*IE 関連情報 [#y543ecc4]
**DHTML [#j49f7984]
***DirectAnimation [#h6ea9bd2]
-Microsoft DirectAnimation
-DirectAnimation - VBScript Samples
-DAViewerControl Class
-DADrawingSurface Class
-マルチメディア アニメーションのプログラミングは難しい?
-Adding Theatrical Effects to Everyday Web Pages with DirectAnimation

***How to Create a VBScript Animation [#dadee5de]

-The DirectAnimation library works with the DirectAnimation integrated-media control (DAViewerControl). Library calls are made through a scripting language, such as JScript or VBScript, to construct an animation and play it from an HTML file. 

-To construct a simple DirectAnimation control in VBScript: 

--1. In your HTML file, declare your DAViewerControl object. The object's name can be anything. Here it is DAMyCtl. The CLSID must be as shown:

    STYLE="position:absolute; left:30%; top:100;width:300;height:300" 

--2. Define your script language. 


--3. Extract either the PixelLibrary or MeterLibrary from your control. 

    Set m = DAMyCtl.PixelLibrary
 -- or --
    Set m = DAMyCtl.MeterLibrary

--4. Write your code. When you have created the image or sound you want to display (which can be as elaborate as you like), set it to the DAViewerControl's Image property or Sound property. In this case, the DAViewerControl Image property is set to a solid blue plane that covers the screen: 

   DAMyCtl.Image = m.SolidColorImage(m.Blue)

--5. Render the image or sound with the DAViewerControl function Start: 


--6. Close the VBScript scripting section: 

***サンプル集 [#oc528102]
-DAnimation Samples for IE5 BASIC
-DirectAnimation Club
-DirectAnimation Examples
***Microsoft DirectAnimation Control の実体 [#bf081f12]
**Visual InterDev と FrontPage 97の関係 [#jce290cd]
-Visual InterDev と FrontPage 97の関係は?
---Visual InterDev は主としてプログラマ向けに設計されたWeb開発ツール
---FrontPage 97 はプログラマ以外の人のために設計された Web オーサリング ツール

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